Saturday, September 3, 2022

All packed up and ready to go....

Today we locked our last box of personal items into a storage unit, changed the bedsheets and locked the doors to our home. Then we drove our first of what would become more than 25000 miles before seeing our home again!

We've long felt the walls of our home are infused with love, but the kids wants to give it one last hug before turning off the lights, triggering Eco mode on our thermostat, and heading to the suburban waiting in the garage.

Our storage unit was packed with equal parts personal treasures and unfinished projects that will have to wait for a "someday" to arrive. Our adventure was calling us and it was time to answer.... 

Fueling up and pondering "how much is this trip going to cost?" It's probably best we underestimated the number of miles we ended up driving.... but in the end it was worth every penny!

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